Buy cheap hardware audio compressor
When is an audio compressor necessary?
When dealing with popular music genres, the use of compressors and limiters is practically unavoidable. In the realm of streaming platforms, where the “Loudness War” is in full swing, it’s rare to find successful popular music that hasn’t utilized some form of compressor or limiter.
Compressors are commonly applied to individual audio tracks, such as vocals and acoustic instruments. Even within a drum set, each separately recorded track often receives compression, including the bass drum, snare drum, toms, overheads, and more. Additionally, compression is frequently applied to other sound sources. In addition to compression on individual tracks, the audio is also compressed on the master bus, almost without exception.
Analog or digital compressors?
In today’s world, mixing is predominantly done on computers, making it easy to apply digital compressors to each track if desired. Many digital audio workstation (DAW) software packages come with built-in compressor plugins, but you also have the option to purchase your own compression plugin. An excellent example is the LA2A by Teletronix, which is widely modulated by various software companies. It can be obtained as part of the Waves software package, available for a reasonable price here. This incredibly versatile compressor delivers exceptional results on numerous sources.
One advantage of software plugins is that you only need to make a one-time purchase and can apply them to an unlimited number of tracks within a project.
More expensive studios often opt for hardware compressors during recordings. The preference for real hardware stems from the belief that it produces superior sound compared to plugins. Additionally, using hardware compressors helps maintain a more consistent dynamic during recording sessions.
Affordable Hardware Audio Compressors
If you’re looking to purchase a high-quality compressor for your studio without breaking the bank, consider the following devices. They are widely recognized in the studio world and are commonly used:
January 7, 2024 @ 10:37 am
I’ve been searching for an affordable audio compressor, these sound like a great deals! Can’t wait to try it out.